AV ©2021
Basic of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Table of contents Source Resources
IT specializations, developer seniority levels.
Basics of code creation, software life cycle, examples in HTML
front end developer, back end developer
Version Control Systems: git/GitHub (main time)
IDE's: Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Hypertext Markup Language: HTML (examples)
HTML blank example

Gir instalation on Windows (ru) 0:00 - 3:00
Hypertext Markup Language: HTML, Cascading Style Sheets: CSS. Hypertext Markup Language: HTML
Cascading Style Sheets: CSS
How work html pages publishing
HTML css example

Make html + css pages like in image examples. You can add some other text, colors and images, but try to do similar layout!
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Basic idea of software frameworks. Hypertext Markup Language: HTML
Cascading Style Sheets: CSS
CSS frameworks: W3.CSS, bootstrap 4
Fancy stuff to create html pages

Make html + css pages like in image examples. You can add some other text, colors and images, but try to do similar layout!
Forest (pure css)
Forest css
Cafe (w3.css)
Cafe css
JavaScript, Node.js
Dinamic html pages
javaScript, Node.js, npm,

What to read Marijn Haverbeke "Eloquent JavaScript" (ru)

Node.js  Node.js ru
QA testing with node.js  GitHub example